Toddler Temper Tantrums and How to Deal With Them.

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Dealing With Toddler Temper Tantrums Effectively

Children between the ages of one and five pose special difficulties for parents because those years are the most formative in a child’s life. Toddler temper tantrums are one of those difficulties which could have long lasting negative consequences if parents don’t stop them. But how does one do that?

In order to stop the episodes parents first must understand two basic truths. First, toddler temper tantrums are the result of natural rebellion born in the heart of almost every child. For the most part children naturally want to have their own way, just like their parents, the only difference being that parents have hopefully learned and accepted it’s not always possible.

It is also a learning process…

The second thing to know is that children learn through a process of cause and effect. For example, if playing on the stairs causes junior to fall down and hurt himself, after one or two tumbles he will stop playing on the stairs. He learns to continue behavior based on positive results while discontinuing that which yields negative results. Knowing these two things lays the ground work for eliminating toddler temper tantrums.

When your child throws a fit he is more or less demanding he get his own way. Whether is in the form of screaming when you put him down for bed or laying on the floor crying because he can’t have a cookie, junior is telling you he wants to be in charge. The only way to effectively deal with this is to never, ever give in to the child’s demands. As soon as you do, you have given him positive results which will encourage this behavior to continue.

For those serious about taking control of your out of control toddler.

If you really want to stop your toddlers temper tantrums, I highly recommend you pick up the book Train Your Angry Dragon: Teach Your Dragon To Be Patient.

It will teach you everything you need to know to stop those awful temper tantrums for good.

Here is how you stop a temper tantrum.

You stop toddler temper tantrums be refusing to give in. So find a place in your home where you can put the child, close the door, and let him scream until he has no voice left. If you need to buy earplugs they are very inexpensive. If you will be resolute and absolutely refuse to allow the child to win, in most cases the tantrums can be completely eliminated in a few weeks. Yes it’s difficult, but it is very effective.

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