Dealing with the Terrible Twos Review – A Must Have for All Parents.

Hello there!

Sarah Shane here and I wanted to share my story about how I was able to take back control from my out of control 2 year old. Don’t get my wrong. My son Brian was a quite little guy all the way up until about his 2nd birthday. I was so thankful that he would let me sleep at night while all my friends who had children were complaining about how much sleep they didn’t get because of their baby who would stay up all night long crying.

It was all great…until he got just a little bit older.

I started noticing my son’s temper tantrums a month or two after his 2nd birthday. Whenever I said NO to him is when the tantrums started to come about. It got so bad that I even started to feed into his tantrum by yelling or raising my voice. It got so bad that my visions of my quite little angel seemed to fade away over night.

I bought tons of books to get some help.

I went absolutely nuts and bought every early childhood development book that I could get my hands on in attempt to find a solution to my problem. While all of them had pieces of information I needed, none of them provided all the pieces to the puzzle.

Then my friend recommended me to an audio course to try.

My friend already had two kids aged 4 and 6 so she had already gone through the “terrible twos” as they would call it. She suggested I try this book titled “Train Your Angry Dragon“.

I bought the book because of her recommendation. Simply put, I am so glad I read it! The book taught me everything I needed to know to psychologically control my out of control toddler. Some of the techniques they teach are so clever that your child will give into every one of your demands…and without any resistance. The amount of peace this book has given me is worth the price alone.

I highly recommend you try “Train Your Angry Dragon” here if you want to stop your toddlers temper tantrums for good. It also teaches you some really cool control techniques that you can use all the way up until age 8.

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